Your Dream Holiday, Their Future!

Discover Tanzania’s stunning natural beauty and hidden gems while supporting local communities.

Silas Nassary from Arusha, Tanzania, and Jean-Pierre Deschepper from Antwerp, Belgium, both seasoned safari experts,
have joined forces to offer you a unique travel experience.

By choosing our tours, you contribute to the well-being of local people,
as a significant portion of our profits supports our foundation, the “Luwai Sinai Project.

Tim Pickard

(Denver, USA)

I went on a safari with a company deeply committed to supporting the local community. Not only did I have an unforgettable safari experience, but I also had the pleasure of being guided by an incredibly knowledgeable and friendly local guide.

One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Sinai village, where I saw firsthand the impact of our support. The renovation of the local school and the creation of a community center were truly inspiring, making my journey even more meaningful.

Wilma F
Wilma F
An Unforgettable Safari Experience Our safari trip was nothing short of spectacular, and a significant part of that credit goes to our incredible guide, Silas. His wealth of knowledge about the wildlife, combined with a genuine passion for his job, truly enhanced our experience. Silas’s sharp eyes and insightful narration made each moment on the safari memorable. We had the best possible experience. If you’re planning a safari, Silas is the guide you want by your side. Thank you, Silas, for making our safari a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
Chantal 's reizen
Chantal 's reizen
Incredible experience ! My brother who gives me the safari as a birthday present, wel it was a live experience. I 've never seen so many wild animals in my life, mammals, even a leopard, birds, butterflies in a beautiful and ever-changing landscape. From Ngorongoro-crater , Tarangiri true the Serengetti and travelling around Mount Meru. Guided by a passionate, friendly, helpful guide Silas who lives in the region and therefore knows how to find all the animals in their habitat. Just ask and he drove me there! A big thank you Silas and also my brother for the "safari experience" of a lifetime
Great safari experience Silas is a super friendly, helpful and experienced guide. Everything was perfectly organized. We had a great time and always felt comfortable and safe. Highly recommended!
Wonderful Safari with Silas It was a wonderful safari with a fantastic guide Silas. Silas has an eagle eye and through this we saw many animals that were invisible to us but became visible through Silas. The children and all parents were thrilled. We would be happy to come back, thank you Silas, it was a great time with you that we will remember fondly for many years to come. Peter
Theo S
Theo S
Kilimanjaro 6 Tage Lemosho Route Nach dam wir vor eine paar Jahren beteits eine Safari mit Silas gemacht haben, haben wir jetzt auch zusammen den Kili bestiegen. Es wurde alles von Flugahfen Transfer bis hin zum Transfer zu unserer Lodge nach dem Kili perfekt organisiert. Wer Interesse an einer individuellen Besteigung hat und nicht in einer ungleich starken Riesengruppe hinaufstapfen möchte ist hier genau richtig. Mittlerweile ist Silas ein Freund und ich werde definitiv wiederkommen. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Dariusz B
Dariusz B
Mikumi-Safari Amazing adventure in Mikumi with a very pleasant guide. The kids were happy We highly recommend it. TOP.
Mikumi with nassary Had a 1day safari in mikumi and it was stunning! Saw nearly every animal living there and had the best guide, a crazy dude called nassary. He made everything for us having a good time. I would surely do it again, just for more than 1 day cause time is flying away like its nothing.
Nina O
Nina O
Silas Touren sind absolut empfehlenswert - Ein Trip, den ich nie vergessen werde Silas ein ein super Tourguide, der in kurzer Zeit ein Gefühl dafür bekommt, welcher Reisetyp man ist. Ich habe mit Silas eine 6 tägige Tour gemacht, bei der er auf all meine Wünsche eingegangen ist. Silas ist sehr belesen, kann auf alle Fragen antworten und verfügt über sehr viel Geduld. Weiterhin ist er sehr ehrlich, höflich und immer gut gelaunt. Ich kann eine Tour mit Silas von Herzen empfehlen und wünsche allen eine tolle Tour mit ihm. Hier könnt ihr ihn kontaktieren: +255 694 457 022
Safari we had a fantastic time in tanzania! silas our guide was indescribable! was with us to the middle station on mount meru, this hike was a great experience! the next day we went to arusha national park, the next day tarangire park, it was amazing! to finisch this trip we were in the ngorogoro crates! silas organized everything perfectly, you couldn't have done it better! silas was a great game driver, knew a lot about all the animals and nature! we chatted a lot with him, also about life in tanzania! if i can recommend anyone, it's this game driver, it was fantastic! Thank you again for these wonderful moments! I hope to see you again! best regards, Helmut, Petra and Rosalie (10 years)
Oumaima F
Oumaima F
Safari au marc Mikumi Nous avons eu la chance de faire le Safari avec le guide Nasary. C'est un guide VRAIMENT super gentil, professionnel et il connait super bien tous les animaux. Il ne va épargner aucun effort pour faire de votre Safari un pur moment inoubliable. Grace à lui je garde des souvenirs pour vont me marquer pour longtemps.
cheetahs safari



Tanzania is a country located in East Africa. It is known for its diverse wildlife and breathtaking natural landscapes, including the Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, and Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa.

The country has a population of over 60 million people, with the majority living in rural areas. Tanzania’s economy is mainly based on agriculture, with major exports including coffee, tea, and cashew nuts. Tourism is also an important sector, with millions of visitors coming to Tanzania each year to experience the country’s wildlife, culture, and natural beauty.


Tanzania Experiences

Luxury Safaris
Bird Watching
Trekking Safaris
Zanzibar Holidays
Luwai Safaris
Sinai School



Combining the best North Tanzania locations and accommodations is an excellent way to ensure a memorable holiday experience. Some popular locations in North Tanzania include the Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro and some hidden gems. These locations offer a variety of landscapes and wildlife viewing opportunities, from the savannahs of the Serengeti to the stunning views from Mount Kilimanjaro.

When it comes to accommodations, there are various options to suit different budgets and preferences. Luxury lodges, tented camps, and budget camping sites are all available, each offering a unique experience.

With careful planning and a reliable tour operator, you will have a carefree and unforgettable safari experience in Northern Tanzania. Hakuna Matata!